[QUT] Ticket Lifecycle

This is a conceptual model of a ticket's lifecycle, which could be useful when building workflows or generating reports. It looks like a waterfall, but it's different. Honest. 🌊

Three (non-terminal) phases: development, QA, release.

Each split into two stages (inactive/active), with two states (unassigned/assigned). The active-unassigned state doesn't make sense, so it's not included.

Some Observations

Ideally, any time a ticket moves to a different phase it should be de-assigned, so it can be picked up by a member of the team responsible for that phase. Realistically, it's usually the same person the whole way through, so it's okay to go straight from active to queued.

We often see the entire QA or Release phases wrapped up in single mega-stages, but I think that's a symptom of immature practices and we should question it whenever we see it.

There is no distinction in these diagrams between "new" and "abandoned" tickets – it doesn't matter how much work has been done on a ticket, just the nature of any work that remains.

I don't know which transition is equivalent to Jira's "resolve" – it can make sense to set a resolution at "done" and/or at "close".

Edit: 2018-01-30

There are three ways to get work from someone else:

In case 2 you need a way to indicate that the task is part of your current workload, but it can't progress until some third party completes some work. To that end, I've added a "waiting" state to each of the three main phases.

Edit: 2020-10-30

There is value in distinguishing the "waiting" states between "waiting for a process that intrinsically takes time/has a known delay/etc." and "waiting for something that requires action to progress". Internally we refer to these as "waiting" and "blocked", respectively. They aren't reflected in the model above, but could be represented by a "needs attention"-type flag on each of the "waiting" states.

thumbnail image

Matthew Kerwin

CC BY-SA 4.0
This is a conceptual model of a ticket's lifecycle, which could be useful when building workflows or generating reports. It looks like a waterfall, but it's different. Honest. 🌊

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